Airbus specific Crew flows (Captain and FO, PF and PM). Direct and seamless integration owing to Aerosoft's very powerful SDK. Procedures modeled on real-world Airbus Standard Operator Procedures (SOPs). Bonus! Airbus Global FO Voice Set (Note: The FO Voice set is built directly into the software. FS2Crew for the Aerosoft Airbus Pro - Button Control. FS2Crew for the Aerosoft Airbus Pro - Voice Control. Includes three products in one single package:
Simulations available for P3D V4 is now available! The best airline crew simulation for one of the best Airbus
TO trim setting refined, but it will never be 100 percent accurate. Now you can "left click" the audio test button to reset audio system if your FS2Crew audio ever drops. 1000 foot call during the approach now references the Radio Altimeter. In A330 models, door knocking sound removed when FA brings food/drinks. You can now call the FA by pressing the FWD FA button on the overhead in the 330. You can now say just "Below the line" instead of "XXX below the line" in Voice Control. He will turn off weather radar during his after landing flow. During the runway entry flow, the FO will now select Terrain on his side and select Weather Radar on. He will select CSTR during his pre-flight flow, and re-select CSTR on his side during his 10,000 feet descent flow. During the 10,000 climb flow, the FO will select Airport on his side.
FO's will now adjust his ND range at 10,000 feet and when reaching cruise. Glide slope deviation call out triggers loosened,. Pax boarding sound no longer plays in the 330 model because you can't hear it from the cockpit. If using Voice Control, your Speech recognizer can now be set to ENGLISH - US, UK, AU, CA or IN. FO's now selects his Chrono On when announcing "Takeoff", and Off during his after landing flow. If performing a Flaps 3 landing in the A330, GPWS Landing Flap 3 no longer selected. Flight Director voice command now triggers both FD's to be off / on.
Fuel Pumps Off in A330 models fixed for the shutdown flow.